Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pondering Easter

My daughter has been doing an online devotional with some of her friends. They take turns creating a weekly email devotion and I thought that I would pass on to you some of her insights on Christ's death and resurrection. A great reminder to us all as we celebrate Easter.

Christ's death and crucifixion. Luke 23:26-49

In this passage it talks about Christ's death and the pain he went through for us. If you can imagine all he went through for his sinful people that he was faithful to for so many years, well it's unbelievable!! Jesus was God (and He still was on earth) and He came down to this sinful wicked world to walk and talk with His people. He loved the people so much he died on a cross for their sins. He was sinless and yet he took on all of our sins on that cross so we can live forever with him in heaven. Imagine having everything and coming to sacrifice yourself for these people who rejected you and some who hate you. Even God the Father rejected His son when he was on the cross because he contained all the sins of His people. He sacrificed so much for us!

Here are some questions you can answer in an e-mail and in your journal:

  • Can you think of anything you would die for like Jesus died for us?
  • When you think of the pain Christ went through for you how do you feel?
  • Do you feel free to give Christ all your burdens of sin to hang on that cross?
  • Christ died for you, are you willing to die for him?

Luke 24:1-12.

One word describes this passage perfectly!!!! AMAZING!!!!! He is risen guys!!!! The Lord Jesus Christ was under the curse of death for only a few days before He was alive again!!! This story is so amazing. I just read the passage and do you know what I just realized? Before Christ died He told His disciples He would die and then raise from the dead. But those disciples didn't believe Him!!!!! After He was raised from the dead the woman told them what the angel said but Christ's best friends didn't believe it!!! They didn't remember what their teacher said!!! They forgot about how He mentioned rising from the dead!!!! But Jesus still loved them. Even if His chosen ones give up on Him, there is no way He'll give up on us. We might doubt Him, but every word of the Bible is the truth!!!! No matter what we do, if we're a Christian we'll never be taken out of His hands! His love is so amazing!!!

Happy Easter


LPC910 said...

Amen!! Great job Darla!!
I especially liked the closing to the second one. How amazing that no matter how much I fail and no matter how weak my faith may be from time to time God remains faithful!
Malachi 3:6 says "I the Lord do not change. So you O descendants of Jacob are not destroyed." Our salvation is sure in the unchanging promise and unchanging love of God. (not all religions have an unchanging god, thus they lack that assurance) This gives us a great reason to trust in God. Check out Psalm 78:19-22 sometime to see how important it is to God that we trust him (just as much as obeying him).
Thanks for the blessing!
Keep running the race,
Brian Hand

Anonymous said...

Darla, your words were such a great blessing to me! The word of God is powerful and touches our hearts like nothing else! Keep walking with the LORD, and thanks for sharing! Love, Mrs. Wilson