Saturday, February 2, 2008

Weekend Poll-Blogging

As a newbie blogger, I've decided to enlist the help of you more experienced bloggers out there in cyberspace (well, all 10 of my faithful visitors!) How do you manage your blogging with your family responsibilities?

I am amazed at how much time this new obsession of mine is sucking out of my day. I enjoy writing my posts, reading other's, following little bloggity trails to new ones and leaving comments here and there. Only after this, I find that several hours have slipped right through my frantically typing fingertips.

It became quite clear that I needed to learn how to better balance my new blogging hobby with the rest of my life, when Hubby reminded me on his way to work the other week that there are more important things to do with my day than blog...yikes!

Just wait. . .it gets even worse. Hubby also informed me that Darlin' had her own opinion of my new hobby. Apparently she had asked Daddy how long it would take to read the Bible. He calculated that if one read 18 hrs a day it would take 10 days to complete, but that a lot of people do it in a year by reading about 1/2 hour a day. Darlin' replied that she thought that she could do that if she were a stay at home mom. And that maybe Mommy could do that if she wasn't blogging all the time! Hubby retorted, "You could do that too if you weren't on Webkins so much." "Touche!" she conceeded. Ouch!

So if you have any tips to help keep me blogging while striving to be a Proverbs 31 wife and mother. . .I'm in dire need of guidance!

I also thought it would be interesting to see how much time we all spend blogging. So after leaving a comment please check out the poll below!

[Sorry, poll has been removed]

***Check back soon for the winner of my bloggy giveaway. It ended Friday night Feb. 1st.***


heidi @ ggip said...

When you just start blogging you are figuring stuff out so it takes longer to do things than it will later.

Figuring out how much time you have to blog depends on your other hobbies, your reasons for blogging and how supportive your family is of your having a personal hobby like this.

A lot of my friends who are moms spend an hour on the phone everyday, I don't. Instead I blog.

So I think it is very individual.

Allison said...

I couldn't keep up so I had to quit for a few months - boy the withdrawal was terrible! You'll see that mine isn't updated very often these days because I'm a pseudo stay-at-home mom...I have three part-time jobs that I'm able to do while John David is either at Mother's Morning Out or with one of the Grandmothers. And those part-time jobs are allowing me to bring in a little income for our family so those duties usually win out over blogging, which brings much joy but not a lot o' moolah. Sorry I'm not much help!