Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Morning Memory Verse

Yesterday our sermon and small group study was on 1Timothy 6:11-16 again. This time the focus was on verse 12 where Paul instructs Timothy "to take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession."

As our two cubs begin their communicant member class at our church, it is a reminder to me of the importance of being a member in "good standing." That's what our Pastor says every time he administers the sacrament of communion - all are invited to partake as long as they are members in good standing at an evangelical, Bible believing church.

Why? Because that is what Scripture tells us to do. Not only are we to believe in our heart, but we are to act on that belief by making our "good confession in the presence of many witnesses (v.12)." By being a member of a church, we are publicly acknowledging our belief in Christ and our membership in the body of believers. By being a member in good standing, we are actually attending church more than the obligatory Christmas and Easter appearances. Also, we are participating in the ministries of the church by using the gifts and talents God has given each one of us. This may be as simple as sending cards of encouragement to shut-ins or more involved like teaching Sunday school.

The important thing to remember is to be involved in the life of the covenant community. As we are reminded in our memory verse this week:

Hebrews 10: 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

***Check out my bloggy giveaway. I'll keep a link to it in all my new posts for the week.***

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